Tag Archives: when and when not to use coaching conversations


This activity is part of a virtual training or virtual instructor-led training course titled, How To Have a Coaching Conversation, for team leaders.

  • Next, you want to explore with the participants when it is, and isn’t appropriate to use a coaching conversation.
  • For this activity you will use a poll to find out the delegates views. The poll has a list of items and they will be able to select multiple options on when they feel it is appropriate to use coaching conversations.
  • To set up the activity, tell them that:
    • Next, we are going to identify when and when not to use coaching conversations.
    • We are going to do this through a poll with a list of situations.
    • Your task is to select the situations that are appropriate for a coaching conversation.
  • Display the poll on screen and allow them to select the items that are situations appropriate for coaching (the image below shows the poll).
  • Keep the poll displayed for 1-Minute.
  • When the 1-Minute is up close the poll and display the results. Read out what the results indicate.
  • After that display the slide titled – WHEN AND WHEN NOT.
  • The information on the slide repeats the information in the poll but separates the situations into when coaching conversations are appropriate and when they are not.
  • Read out the contents of the slide using the supporting information in the boxes below.
  • After presenting the information, tell them that there’s more information about what you just told them in their workbooks.
  • Then ask for any comments or questions regarding what you’ve just presented.
  • To make comments or ask a question, they can either indicate their intention by using the ‘raise hand’ function or typing into the chat window.
  • If anyone uses the ‘raise hand’ function, tell them to unmute themselves and make their comment or ask their question.
  • Respond to any comments or questions as appropriately as you can. If you can’t respond immediately then write down the question and let them know you will come back to them later with an appropriate answer.
  • After that let them know that they are now going to explore four questions they can use to have coaching conversations.
  • Remind them that having coaching conversations is not about being an expertly trained coach and that they will be able to use the four questions to have coaching conversations without being trained as a coach.

The next section in the course explores four questions for having coaching conversations.

If you are interested in the full course resource which consists of a facilitators guide, presentation and participant workbook, click here.