Tag Archives: what is a difficult conversation

To You a Difficult Conversation is… (Face-to-face Training Activity)


A difficult conversation is anything we find difficult to talk about. They are conversations that are awkward and make us feel vulnerable. They are conversations we would rather avoid. But they are part of life, and we can’t go too far without having them. While we can’t prevent them, we can at least learn how to handle them much better. In this activity, from the ‘Challenging Conversations’ series, the participants will discuss what a difficult conversation is to them.


  • Face-to-face (ILT)


  • 15 – 20 minutes


  • …a bite-sized training activity on its own or used as part of a wider course on managing difficult or challenging conversations.


By the end of this activity, participants would have:

  • reflected on what a difficult conversation means to them personally.


  • Yes (the participants must have the workbook before the activity starts)


  • Make sure you read through all the resources, so you understand how they work together to deliver the session.


  • None
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To You a Difficult conversation is… (Virtual Training Activity)


A difficult conversation is anything we find difficult to talk about. They are conversations that are awkward and make us feel vulnerable. They are conversations we would rather avoid. But they are part of life, and we can’t go too far without having them. While we can’t prevent them, we can at least learn how to handle them much better. In this activity, from the ‘Challenging Conversations’ series, the participants will discuss what a difficult conversation is to them.


  • Virtual (VILT)


  • 15 – 20 minutes


  • …a bite-sized training activity on its own or used as part of a wider course on managing difficult or challenging conversations.


By the end of this activity, participants would have:

  • reflected on what a difficult conversation means to them personally.


  • Yes (the participants must have the workbook before the activity starts)


  • Make sure you read through all the resources, so you understand how they work together to deliver the session.


  • None


Introduce the activity by sharing the learning objective with them. Display the slide titled – LEARNING OBJECTIVE.


After displaying the slide, tell them that:

  • From time to time, we must all deal with difficult conversations. These are the type of conversations that we would rather avoid.
  • But they are a part of life, and we can’t go far without navigating through conversations that challenge us.
  • In this activity, we will explore what difficult conversations are to each of us personally.
  • We don’t all view difficult conversations the same way. Let’s discuss what difficult conversations mean to us personally. (Stop sharing the slide)

Then tell them that:

  • You are going to discuss two questions in pairs.
  • Turn to the part of your workbook titled – WHAT IS A DIFFICULT CONVERSATION TO YOU?
  • The task you will do in pairs is there.


Use the ‘breakout rooms’ feature to put them into pairs.

Allow them to do the activity for 6-minutes.

When their time is up, stop them and bring everyone back to the main room.

Next, tell each person to write their answers from the discussion into the chat window.

Also, tell them that, in addition to writing their own answer they should read what others have written too to get a view of what they consider to be a difficult conversation.

After a maximum of 5-minutes, stop them and ask them for any comments or insights they have from what they’ve just done.

Listen to any comments or insights they have and thank them. Then let them know that you also have a few things to share with them about difficult conversations.

Display the slide titled – ABOUT DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS.


Information will be displayed on the slide automatically. Let them read it for about 2-minutes.

(Stop displaying the slide)

Next, ask if they have any comments or questions and respond appropriately to any they have.

Then move on to review the activity by telling them that:

  • In this activity, our goal was to explore what difficult conversations mean to us.
  • You discussed in pairs your own perspective of what a difficult conversation is and shared your views with us through chat.
  • I also shared some things about difficult conversations with you.

After that, end the activity.

This is the end of the activity.

Free Virtual Activity – What is a difficult conversation?


No manager can hide from difficult conversations. It comes with the management territory. The reality is, almost no manager likes having difficult conversations and would rather avoid them. But since they can’t be avoided, managers have to become more confident at handling difficult conversations and that requires learning. The free virtual activity for this week is from a library of virtual training activities I am currently writing on Managing Difficult Conversations and it is titled, What is a difficult conversation?

The aim of this learning activity is that after managers go through it they will be able to:

  • describe what a difficult conversation is, and
  • identify what makes difficult conversations DIFFICULT.

Here are the free resources for the activity:

Managing Difficult Conversations – Facilitator Guide

Managing Difficult Conversations – Presentation

Managing Difficult Conversations- Handout