Tag Archives: key learning points

Designing a Training Course for Having Good One-To-One Meetings – Learning Objectives and Key Learning Points

Photo by Claudel Rheault on Unsplash

Ola, the fictional character I’ve been writing about is now designing the final module of a mini-management development programme for a group of new and inexperienced managers. She has also developed three modules which are:

  1. Setting clear expectations
  2. Giving effective feedback
  3. Having good coaching conversations

This is the last one and she has already written a performance goal for it (you can read about that here). Now she wants to define the course’s learning objectives and write some key learning points for those objectives. Learning objectives define what the participants should know and be able to do after attending the session. While key learning points are the topics that will be covered during the training session to help the participants achieve the learning objectives.

Learning objectives

Ola has defined the following learning objectives for the session:

By the end of this training session, participants will be able to:

  • plan and prepare for a one-to-one meeting,
  • create an agenda that works for both the manager and the team member, and
  • create an engaging environment that allows both the manager and team member get value from the meeting.

Key learning points

  • What are one-to-one meetings?
  • Purpose and benefits of one-to-one meetings
  • Creating a one-to-one meeting agenda
  • How to have a one-to-one meeting – demonstration
  • How to have a one-to-one meeting – practice session.

Now that Ola has written the learning objectives and key learning points, she now needs to write the learning delivery activities which will be used to teach the key learning points to the participants.

In the next post, we will see what Ola’s learning delivery activities are.

Designing a Training Course for Giving Effective Feedback – The Learning Objectives and Key Learning Points

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Ola is in the process of developing the second module on how to give effective feedback from the mini-management development programme she is implementing for 15 new and experienced managers at her company, OpenNoviz. Previously, she identified the module’s performance goal as:

The managers will be able to give their team members feedback that is supportive and developmental to them (team members) for the purpose of performing their job roles proficiently.

Now, she wants to write the learning objectives and key learning points.

Learning objectives

Ola has been very thoughtful about writing the learning objectives for two reasons:

  • Firstly, the managers will need to acquire some key information about effective feedback.
  • Secondly, it is not enough for them to have the knowledge, they must be able to apply it to give their team members effective feedback.

On that note, she has written the following learning objectives for the course:

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • explain what effective feedback is, and what it involves,
  • accurately describe how to give effective feedback using the SBI (Situation-Behaviour-Impact) framework, and
  • demonstrate how to give effective feedback using the SBI framework.

Ola chose to use the SBI framework because of its simplicity and practicality. It’s easy to learn and use in her opinion. There are other feedback frameworks she could have chosen.

The SBI framework is from the Centre for Creative Leadership.

Key learning points

Key learning points are the specific topics that Ola needs to cover in the course to achieve the learning objectives. Here are the key learning points she identified:

  • What is effective feedback?
  • Benefits of effective feedback
  • What is involved in giving effective feedback
  • Poor and good feedback
  • The SBI feedback model
  • Giving feedback the SBI way

Now that Ola has identified the learning objectives and key learning points, her next step is to design the learning delivery activities for the key learning points.

Creating Key Learning Points

Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

Key learning points are the topics we need to focus on to meet the learning objectives successfully. They are like the building blocks you plug together to achieve the learning objectives. Identifying and creating key learning points is the third step in my simple design framework.

Previously, I wrote about the second step in the framework which is about writing learning objectives (read it here). The example I used to describe learning objectives was from Debbie and Larry’s conversation about providing effective feedback training for a group of team leaders.

The learning objective that Larry wrote for the potential training session is:

By the end of this training session, participants will be able to give feedback that:

  • clarifies observed behaviour
  • states the impact of the behaviour
  • identifies change needed or behaviour to be maintained where required

Now onto creating some key learning points. There are four aspects to the learning objective which point to what people need to learn. These are being able to:

  1. clarify observed behaviour
  2. state the impact of the observed behaviour
  3. identify any change of behaviour that may be required
  4. identify behaviour that needs to be continued or maintained

These are the topics that will be covered in the training session. These are the key learning points.

Basically, what we are doing here is looking at the learning objectives and identifying the key topics which when covered will help to meet the learning objective.

Now that we have key learning points, it’s time to decide on what learning delivery methods to use to best deliver each of them. That’s the next stage of the framework and the subject for the next post.