Tag Archives: developing team members

Virtual Activity – Practising One-To-Ones in Small Groups



In this session, participants will practice having one-to-one meetings in small groups and give each other feedback.


  • 90-minutes


After going through this session, participants will have:

  • Gone through practice sessions in small groups to help them develop effective one-to-one meeting skills


  • Yes


  • None


  • Participants should know what one-to-one meetings are and their purpose.
  • They should be able to identify behaviours that lead to effective one-to-one meetings.


  • Introduce the activity by sharing the learning objective with them. Display the slide titled – LEARNING OBJECTIVE.


  • After displaying the slide, tell them that:
    • Having the knowledge about how to have effective one-to-ones is not enough.
    • We need to be able to put that knowledge into practice.
    • To validate some of what we have learnt you are going to practice doing one-to-one meetings in small groups
  • Display the slide titled – PRACTICE IN SMALL GROUPS.


  • Tell them that:
    • You will practice in groups of threes.
    • Each person in a group will rotate through the roles of manager, team member and observer.
    • Each one-to-one practice session will last for a maximum of 10-minutes.
    • During the one-to-one meeting the observer will observe and take down notes which they will feedback to the manager after the practice session.
    • There are guidance notes and three case studies in your workbooks.
    • In your groups decide on which case study each person will use.
    • All the case studies have information which you will need to read beforehand to get ready.
    • You will be given an initial 10-minutes to prepare and then 45-minutes for the practice sessions. 30-minutes for the actual practice and 15-minutes for feedback from the observer.
  • Display the next slide titled – GIVING FEEDBACK.


  • Tell them that:
    • Let’s remember that the purpose of feedback is to help people learn and develop.
    • It is not for judgement or criticism. Each observer should follow the steps outlined here to ask for and give feedback.
    • They should first ask the team member about how the one-to-one went for them.
    • Next, they should ask the manager to talk about their experience of the one-to-one. How did it go for them?
    • Finally, observers should then talk about what they felt the manager did well and what they can do differently next time to make the one-to-one meeting even better.
  • Next, direct them to the section in their workbooks titled – INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PRACTICE SESSION.

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Virtual Training Activity – Practising One-To-Ones



In this session, participants will observe a demonstration of a one-to-one meeting practice session and give feedback about it.


  • 60-minutes


  • During this session, participants will observe and give feedback about one-to-one meeting practice sessions to help them develop effective one-to-one meeting skills.


  • Yes


  • None


  • Participants should know what one-to-one meetings are and their purpose.
  • They should be able to identify behaviours that lead to effective one-to-one meetings.


  • Introduce the activity by sharing the learning objective with them. Display the slide titled – LEARNING OBJECTIVE.


  • After displaying the slide, tell them that:
    • Having the knowledge about how to have effective one-to-one meetings is not enough.
    • We need to be able to put that knowledge into practice.
    • In this session we will have some practice sessions which you will observe and give feedback on to help you learn what to do and what not to do during a one-to-one meeting.
  • Next display the slide titled – JIM AND GEMMA.


  • Let them know that during the practice session, you, the facilitator will act as the Jim, the manager.
  • Two willing participants will act as Gemma, the team member.
  • The rest of the group will observe and give feedback after the practice sessions.
  • Refer them to the session in their workbooks titled – JIM AND GEMMA. Give them 3-minutes to read the information there.


  • After they’ve read the information, use the ‘breakout rooms’ feature to split them into two small groups to prepare for the practice session. Give them 10-minutes to prepare (the information they will read to prepare is below).


  • Make sure that you (facilitator acting as manager) are also prepared to act as Jim by reading the information in the section of the workbook titled – PRACTICE SCENARIO – JIM, THE MANAGER.


  • For this first practice session, the aim is for you to do a really short but poor one-to-one meeting. Do this by:
    • Starting the one-to-one meeting without doing a wellbeing check-in or asking for Gemma’s agenda items.
    • Don’t ask how she is doing.
    • Just give her updates by telling Gemma, that there is a big project coming the team’s way.
    • Also, tell her that you hope she has registered for the qualification you talked about previously and that she did the night shift handover properly.
    • Don’t ask her any questions. After the updates end the meeting.
  • After the practice session put them back into two groups to prepare their feedback for 6-minutes.
  • When the 6-minutes is up, bring them back to the main room and ask for each group’s feedback and listen to them.
  • The only thing that went well is that the one-to-one meeting happened and the updates Jim gave.
  • There are a number of things that should be done differently. Jim could have:
    • Made the agenda setting more collaborative by asking for what Gemma wants to talk about then tell her what he wants to discuss also.
    • Asked how Gemma is doing and checked if she has any concerns (wellbeing check in).
    • Gone through Gemma’s agenda items first before discussing his.
    • Asked her about any upcoming priorities she has and what, if any, support she needs.
    • Given her necessary feedback, particularly appreciative feedback to help her see where she is doing well.
    • Asked her if she has anything else to discuss.
    • Identified any actions that they both need to complete and documented them.
  • If they identified any of the above in their feedback, you don’t need to repeat them. Only mention any that they missed out.
  • Next get ready to do the second practice session. This time the volunteer from the other group will act as Gemma.
  • The aim of this practice session is to demonstrate a much better one-to-one meeting.
  • Use the steps outlined in the part of their workbook titled – PRACTICE SCENARIO – JIM, THE MANAGER for this practice session.


  • As you did previously, have the one-to-one meeting with Gemma while the other participants observe and take notes.
  • Then put them back into the two small groups they were in before for 6-minutes to discuss their observations and prepare their feedback that will be delivered through a nominated spokesperson.
  • When the time is up, stop them and bring everyone back to the main room.
  • Then listen to the feedback from each group. They should have observed you do the following:
    • Ask about Gemma’s wellbeing, concerns, and anything she needs help with.
    • Ask for her agenda items.
    • Tell her your own agenda items.
    • Go through all the agenda items starting with hers.
    • Discuss upcoming priorities.
    • Give her updates.
    • Give her feedback.
    • Express gratitude.
    • Ask if she has anything else to discuss.
    • Identify and document actions.
  • Only mention any of the above if they didn’t talk about it as part of their feedback.
  • After their feedback, thank them for taking part in the practice session and let them know that you have one more activity for them which is an individual reflection activity.
  • Direct them to the section in their workbooks titled – REFLECTION FROM PRACTICE.


  • Tell them to spend 6-minutes on the activity and afterward you will ask them to share a summary of their reflections.
  • After 6-minutes, stop them and get everyone’s attention.
  • Ask each participant to share a summary of the reflection they just did and listen to them without commenting.
  • Thank them for sharing their reflections and then move on to review the session.
  • Review the session by telling them that:
    • This session focused on practising how to have one-to-one sessions.
    • There were two practice sessions which you observed and gave feedback on and hopefully you got some lessons that can be applied in your own one-to-ones.
  • After that, end the session.

This is the end of the session.




In this session, participants will work on how to create an agenda for their one-to-one meetings.


  • 30-minutes


After going through this session, participants will be able to

  • Create a one-to-one meeting agenda that works for both the manager and team member.


  • Yes


  • None


  • Participants should know what one-to-one meetings are and their purpose.


  • Introduce the activity by sharing the learning objective with them. Display the slide titled – LEARNING OBJECTIVE.


  • After displaying the slide, tell them that:
    • A necessary part of any one-to-one meeting is an agenda.
    • In this session, we will explore how to create an agenda that works for both you and your team members.
    • We will start by identifying the top three items you would put on your one-to-one meeting agenda.
  • Next, tell each of them to reflect on agenda items for one-to-one meetings with their team members and write in the chat window the top three discussion items that would be on the agenda.
  • Allow them to do the chat activity for 3-minutes.
  • As they write their answers in the chat window, read through them quietly so you don’t distract them.
  • When the three minutes is up, stop them and read out what they wrote while acknowledging each person.
  • Pick out the most common three agenda items from what they wrote (if you can) and talk about them.
  • After that direct everyone to the section in their workbook’s titled – SAMPLE AGENDA ITEMS. Let them know that it’s a sample list of the kinds of items that people put on their one-to-one meeting agendas.

sample agenda items

  • Mention any agenda items they wrote in the chat window that is similar to what is on the SAMPLE AGENDA ITEMS.
  • Next, you want them to read a one-to-one conversation between Kojo and Bernice in the section of their workbooks titled – WHAT SHOULD WE TALK ABOUT TODAY?
  • Put them into pairs to read the conversation and then answer the questions afterward. They will have 10-minutes for the activity.


sample agenda items


sample agenda items

  • Use the ‘breakout rooms’ feature to put them in pairs and let them do the activity.
  • After 10-minutes, stop them and bring everyone back to the main room.
  • Next, ask each person to tell you one advantage of collaborative agenda setting and listen to them all.
  • Then ask them for disadvantages. This time don’t ask everyone to answer but let people who want to answer do so and listen to them.
  • You can also contribute that the only disadvantage that you can think of is that it will take longer which is not really a disadvantage.
  • After their answers, thank them again for doing the activity and then display the slide titled – FOUR THINGS ABOUT AGENDAS.


  • The information will display automatically on the slide. Allow them to read the information, don’t present it to them.
  • When they finish reading, ask if they need any clarification about anything on the slide. If they do need clarification, you can use the supporting notes below.

sample agenda items

  • After giving them the clarification, direct them to the section in their workbooks titled – SAMPLE AGENDA TEMPLATE.

sample agenda items

  • Let them know that the template is just a sample. There are different types of agenda templates and if they do a web search for one-to-one agenda templates, they will come across many examples.
  • Give them 2-minutes to read through the template and afterwards ask them for any questions and / or comments they may have. Respond to any comments or questions appropriately.
  • After that, move on to review what was discussed during the session.
  • Tell them that:
    • During this session we discussed one-to-one meeting agendas.
    • We looked at the top three items you would put on your agenda.
    • We saw an example of agenda items.
    • We discussed a scenario where an agenda was created collaboratively and four things about agendas
    • And I shared with you a sample agenda template which is just one of many templates that people use.
  • After that, end the session.

This is the end of the session.