Tag Archives: challenges with difficult conversations



This activity explores the challenges with discussing difficult behaviour for first-line managers. Discussing difficult behaviour exhibited by team members is never easy, but why? What kind of challenges might first-line managers have discussing difficult behaviour with a team member who exhibited it? This short virtual training activity explores some of those challenges.


  • Start off by displaying the slide titled – WHAT MAKES DISCUSSING DIFFICULT BEHAVIOUR CHALLENGING?


  • Tell them to write their answers to the displayed question in the chat window.
  • Give them 2-minutes to do this.
  • As they write their answers read through them silently.
  • After 2-minutes let them know that you are now going to read out their answers.
  • Read out their answers and acknowledge each person who gave an answer.
  • For example you can say that, ‘thanks John you believe that the challenges with discussing difficult behaviour are…and Fiona you think discussing them is difficult because…Thanks. 
  • Depending on the size of the class read out as many answers as you can. If you can read them all then do so.
  • After you finish reading the answers you will click on the slide three times to reveal three answers to the question.
  • Click on the slide one at a time to read each answer. Don’t reveal them all at once.


  • After that tell them that the greatest challenges lie with our perception of the conversation itself and the person we are going to have it with.
  • Since we are uncomfortable with the conversation and view it as difficult and aslo view the person with whom we want to have it as difficult and likely to be resistant then we will go into the conversation expecting it to be difficult.
  • After that tell them that next you want them to read through a scenario where a team member displayed difficult behaviour during a team meeting.

The next virtual training activity post will see the participants reading a scenario of a team member dispalying difficult behaviour. They will have the task of identifying what the difficult behaviour are.