Tag Archives: benefits of delegation

Training Resource – Introducing Effective Delegation #3

In this part of the session, we will discuss the benefits of delegation. Previously we looked at what delegation is (you can see that activity here).


Tell the participants that it is important for managers to understand why delegation is important and one way of doing that is by exploring what the benefits of delegation are.

To explore the benefits of delegation, you will put them into two groups and get them to discuss the benefits of delegation from two perspectives. Display the slide titled – WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS?

Let them know you are going to split them into two groups – groups 1 and 2 as shown on the slide.

Group 1 will discuss the benefits of delegation to the manager while group 2 will discuss the benefits of delegation to team members.

Each group should write the answers to their discussion in the appropriate space provided in their workbooks under the section titled – MANAGER AND TEAM BENEFITS.

Tell them that when it’s time to feedback the answers from their discussion, each group should nominate a spokesperson who will share the answers in the workbook on their screen and talk about what they discussed.

Now split them into two groups using the ‘breakout rooms’ feature to do the activity.

Give them 7-minutes for the activity. When the time is up, stop and bring everyone back to the main room.

Then allow both groups to give their feedback starting with the group that discussed benefits to the manager (each group’s spokesperson should share the answers on the screen and talk through them).

When they finish, thank them for doing the activity and refer them to the section in their workbooks titled – EFFECTIVE DELEGATION: WHAT IS IT? WHAT ARE ITS BENEFITS?

Give them 5-minutes to read through the information there. It will cover some of what they’ve just finished discussing. After they have finished reading, ask them for any questions and/or comments.

Listen to them and respond only if necessary. Then briefly review what has been discussed so far by telling them that:

  • We’ve just discussed what delegation is.
  • We also looked at the benefits of delegation for the manager and their team members.
  • Next, we want to answer a very important question which is – why don’t some managers delegate despite its benefits.

Move on to discuss why some managers don’t delegate.

In the next post, we will explore why some managers don’t delegate despite the benefits of delegation for managers and their team members.

Virtual Activity – Delegation – What is it? Why is it important?



Delegation is a process that can help managers be better team leaders. Not only does it hold many benefits for the managers but it is also very beneficial to team members too. When delegation is done effectively, it can help managers utilise their teams more effectively, develop team members and establish a culture of trust in the team. In this short session which can be part of a larger course on delegation, participants will explore what delegation is from the perspective of a manager.


  • 20-minutes


After going through this session, participants will be able to:

  • Explain what delegation is from the perspective of a manager.


  • Yes


  • None


  • None


  • Introduce the activity by sharing the learning objective with them. Display the slide titled – LEARNING OBJECTIVE.



  • After displaying the slide, tell them that:
    • During this session, we will explore what delegation is from the perspective of a manager.
  • Next, display the slide titled – WHAT IS DELEGATION?




  • Read out the instructions on the slide for them to write their definitions of delegation in the chat window and give them 3-minutes to do it.
  • As they type out their definitions in the chat window, read through them quietly so you don’t distract the participants.
  • When the 3-minutes are up, stop and thank them for doing the activity. Then let them know you are going to read out all their definitions.
  • Readout their definitions and acknowledge each person.
  • After that, let them know you also have a definition to share with them.
  • Display the slide titled – WHAT IS DELEGATION?



  • The content displays on the slide automatically. Let them read it for about 90-seconds.
  • If any of their definitions are similar or the same as the one displayed onscreen then say so after they’ve read it.
  • Next, tell them that it is important for managers to understand why delegation is so important and one way of doing that is by exploring what the benefits of delegation are.
  • To do this, you will put them into two groups and get them to discuss the benefits of delegation from two perspectives.
  • Display the slide titled – WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS?



  • Let them know you are going to split them into two groups – groups 1 and 2 as shown on the slide.
  • Group 1 will discuss the benefits of delegation to the manager while group 2 discusses the benefits of delegation to team members.
  • Each group should write the answers to their discussion in the appropriate space provided in their workbooks under the section titled – MANAGER AND TEAM BENEFITS.



  • Let them know that when it’s time to feedback the answers from their discussion, each group should nominate a spokesperson who will share the answers in the workbook on their screen and talk about what they discussed.
  • Now split them into two groups using the ‘breakout rooms’ feature to do the activity.
  • Give them 7-minutes to do it.
  • When the 7-minutes are up, stop them and bring everyone back to the main room.
  • Then allow both groups to give their feedback starting with the group that discussed benefits to the manager (each group’s spokesperson should share the answers on the screen and talk through them).
  • When they finish, thank them for doing the activity and then refer them to the section in their workbooks titled – EFFECTIVE DELEGATION: WHAT IS IT? WHAT ARE ITS BENEFITS?



  • Give them 5-minutes to go through the information there. It will cover some of what they’ve just finished discussing.
  • After they have finished reading, ask them for any questions and/or comments. Listen to them and respond only if necessary.
  • After that review what was discussed during the session by telling them that:
    • During this short session, we discussed what delegation is.
    • We also looked at the benefits of delegation for the manager and their team members.
  • After that end the session.

This is the end of the session.