Category Archives: Leadership and Management

I’m a Manager, What Do I Need? (Face-To-Face Training Activity)


Being a manager is a very important role. Achieving results, meeting performance targets, and ensuring teams are functioning well to a large extent depends on the manager. This means managers need to be skilled at what they do. But what skills does a manager need to be effective? In this activity, the participants will explore some of the key skills required for effective management.


  • Face-to-face (ILT)
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I’m a Manager, What Do I Need? (Virtual Training Activity)


Being a manager is a very important role. Achieving results, meeting performance targets and ensuring teams are functioning well to a large extent depends on the manager. This means managers need to be skilled at what they do. But what skills does a manager need to be effective? In this activity, the participants will explore some of the key skills required for effective management.


  • Virtual (VILT)
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What Do Managers Do – A Theoretical Perspective (Face-To-Face Activity)


Management happens through managers. But what do managers do? During this activity, participants will discuss some theories that attempt to explain what the roles of a manager are. The aim of this activity is for the participants to understand and be able to explain what managers do using theories.


  • Face-to-face
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What Do Managers Do? (Face-To-Face Activity)

In a previous post, I developed a virtual training activity titled, ‘What do managers do?‘ (You can see that activity here). Here is the face-to-face version of the same training activity.


Management happens through managers. But what do managers do? During this activity, participants will explore what managers do by reflecting on their own perspectives of what managers do and discussing what they see their own managers do. The aim of this activity is for participants to understand and be able to explain what managers do.

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What is Management? (Face-To-Face Activity)

Previously, I published a virtual training activity titled, What is Management (access it here). In this post, I publish a face-to-face version of that same activity. So, if you are interested in using it for delivering a face-to-face version instead of a virtual training activity then here’s all the information for the activity.


What is management? That’s the question this activity will deal with. The aim is that after going through the activity, participants will be able to describe in their own words what management is.

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What do managers do – A theoritical perspective (Virtual Training Activity)


Management happens through managers. But what do managers do? During this activity, participants will discuss some theories that attempt to explain what the roles of a manager are. The aim of this activity is for the participants to understand and be able to explain what managers do using theories.

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Management happens through managers. But what do managers do? During this activity, participants will explore what managers do by reflecting on their own perspectives of what managers do and discussing what they see their own managers do. The aim of this activity is for the participants to understand and be able to explain what managers do.

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What is Management? (Virtual Training Activity)


In this virtual training activity, participants will explore what management is. The learning objective for the activity is:

  • After going through the activity, participants will be able to describe what management is.


Tell them that:

  • We want to answer a key question which is – What is management?
  • But before we do that let’s respond to a quick poll.

Display the poll titled – TEAM ENGAGEMENT VARIANCE.

The box below shows what the poll looks like.

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What is management? What do managers do? What skills are required to be an effective manager? How do I develop my management skills? These are the questions we will answer in this session aimed at those not currently in management but are pondering whether it is the right career option for them. The aim of this session is to help participants understand what management is and what it involves. Also, to give them some information to start thinking about whether management is for them or not?

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Interested in Management Virtual Training Activities

This week I want to start a project designing some virtual training activities for people interested in management. Think about people in an organisation who are not in any management role but they want to learn a bit more about management.

It’s those types of people that these training activities are for. I aim to design and develop a number of training activities that can be combined to create a whole course titled, ‘Interested in Management.’

The training activities can also be used individually to deliver bite-sized sessions or amended and combined in any way you choose.

Here are the titles of the activities I will be developing:

  • What is management?
  • What do managers do?
  • What about leadership?
  • Management vs. Leadership
  • Approaches to management
  • What skills do I need?
  • Ideas for developing your management skills

In the next post, I will write the first training activity which is, what is management?

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