Category Archives: Leadership


The New to Management programme is a development programme I am currently designing and developing for new managers and those managing for the first time. The goal of the programme is to give new managers and those new to managers some foundational skills for growing into their roles.

I introduced the programme in a previous post here and in this post and future ones, I want to describe the contents of the programme. The programme has six modules in addition to an introductory module which I have titled – Module 0. The programme also has a simple structure with just two elements:

  • Virtual training modules
  • Works tasks/homework in between the modules.

The image below illustrates the structure.

Module 0 which really is the first module, though it’s not included in the image above is titled – ABOUT THE PROGRAMME.

The objectives module 0 are:

  • Describe the structure and content of the New to Management programme.
  • Explain what is required to prepare for the first module.

The session starts out introducing those objectives to the participants and then moves on to ask them two questions which are:

  • Why are you attending this programme?
  • What do you want to be able to do by the end of this programme?

The participants will be given the opportunity to reflect on these questions and write their answers in the chat window.

It is an opportunity for them to think about what they really want from the programme.

After that, we then move on to start talking about the content of the session. There is a summary slide which shows the six modules that make up the programme. Here it is.

As you can see from the slide, the programme has six modules which are:

  • Role of the manager
  • Managing performance
  • Crucial conversations
  • Team building
  • Developing people
  • Managing yourself

At this stage, the participants will be introduced to each module briefly and also put into groups to look at more detailed information about each module in their workbooks and discuss their thoughts about it.

In the next series of posts, I will share with you what each of the six modules covers.


Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

I’ve worked across a number of organisations as a learning and development practitioner and in my current organisation, I also manage people. One thing I have never seen is a proper developement programme tailored to new and first-time managers. What tends to happen is organisations either commission expensive off-the-shelf individual courses for new managers to choose from or you may get development programmes offered to new and first time managers in more prestigious organisations with large budgets.

For instance, I did come across the training materials Google used to train new managers. They were published on the internet for free. But my experience is that most people who start as new managers, managing one or more people are usually dropped into the role and they learn on the go.

When I first started this blog my original vision was to dedicate it to writing about resources I have created and want to create for new and first-time managers because that’s where I found myself a couple of years ago. I do believe such managers need a lot of support and training.

I’ve decided to go back to that original vision and recently I have started working on a personal goal which also spills over into my job to create a development programme for new and first-time managers.

The programme will be developed to be delivered virtually on platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. My initial plan is for the programme to consist of an introductory module which I have called ‘Module 0’ to introduce the programme and six other modules (modules 1-6) that cover the core content of the module.

The modules will be delivered two weeks apart and participants will be given tasks to do in between the modules. The structure will look like what’s shown in the image below.

I’ve not included module 0 in the image but as you can see the programme has a very simple structure which is delivered through virtual training sessions (the modules) to the participants and in between the modules they will be given work tasks or projects to complete.

If you think the programme looks too simple, then you are right. It is simple and I have done that on purpose. My experience has taught me that complicated and complex programmes often don’t work because they have too many moving parts and they wear people out.

I remember working in an organisation with a manager who implemented a brilliant and very successful management development programme which consisted of:

  • Six half-day classroom training sessions
  • Afternoon action learning sets after the classroom sessions
  • MBTI assessments (all delivered in-house without the involvement of any external consultants)
  • End of programme projects which focused on things needed by the organisation

Though this programme has four parts it was very simple to implement. The modules were done every six weeks so there was more than enough time to do everything. The MBTI assessments were done at the start of the programme and discussed briefly during each classroom session in relation to the topic being covered.

The programme worked very well and when the L&D manager who implemented it left and a new manager was recruited, the manager tried to be a bit clever with the programme adding some spin too it. They made it too complicated and messed it up. That mistake got the manager kicked out of the organisation.

My lessons from all this is – keep your development programmes simple, especially those meant for new and first line managers. As much as possible try and deliver the programme with in-house resources without spending too much money on it. Also, don’t aim for perfection and make sure it is not unnecessarily difficult for everyone involved, both the facilitators and participants.

My vision for this programme is to make it easily accessible, of good quality, affordable, and easy to deliver.

In my next post, I will focus on ‘Module 0’ which introduces the development programme.




In this session, participants will identify what effective one-to-one meetings look like. They will discuss some of the qualities of effective one-to-one meetings.


  • 30-minutes


After going through this session, participants will be able to

  • List and describe three actions they can take to make their one-to-one meetings more effective


  • Yes


  • None


  • Participants should know what one-to-one meetings are and their purpose.


  • Introduce the activity by sharing the learning objective with them. Display the slide titled – LEARNING OBJECTIVE.


  • After displaying the slide, tell them that:
    • In this session we want to explore what effective one-to-one meetings look like so we can identify some concrete actions to take to ensure they are beneficial to us and our team members
    • We know that one-to-one meetings can help to build trust between managers and team members, guide team members development and give you the opportunity to have open and honest conversations with the people you manage.
    • These benefits are only possible if our one-to-ones meetings are done effectively. We want to answer a key question in this session which is – What do effective one-to-one meetings look like?
  • Direct each person to the section of their workbooks titled – TWO ONE-TO-ONE MEETINGS.

two one to ones 1

two one to ones 2

two one to ones 4

  • They should read the information for about 8-minutes.
  • After they’ve read the information, tell them you are going to split them into small groups to do the activity in the section of their workbooks titled – TWO ONE-TO-ONES: DIFFERENCES AND LESSONS (you may share the page on screen to further explain what they will do in their small groups).

two one to ones 5

  • Use the ‘breakout rooms’ feature to put them into small groups. Ideally, no group should have more than three people (maximum of four).
  • Give them 10-minutes for the activity. If they need more time, you can give them an extra 5-minutes.
  • Join each room briefly to check that they understand what they are required to do.
  • When their time is up, stop them and bring everyone back to the main room.
  • Thank them for doing the activity and let them know that you will first explore what didn’t work well in both one-to-one meetings.
  • After that you explore what worked well in each of the meetings.
  • Then you will ask each person for one lesson that will make their one-to-one meetings more effective.
  • Go through this process by first listening to each group talk about what didn’t work well, then what worked well and ask each person for one lesson.
  • After having that discussion, let them know that you are going to share with them some actions we can take to make out one-to-one meetings more effective.
  • The information summarises some of what they identified as what worked well from Pablo’s one-to-one meeting with Bernice.
  • Display the slide titled – ACTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE ONE-TO-ONES.


  • When the slide displays it will be blank with just a title. You will need to click on the slide six times to display information and each time read out the information to them. You don’t need any extra information because it is self-explanatory.
  • After presenting the information, let them know that the information you just presented is in their workbooks.
  • There’s also an excerpt from a Harvard Business Review article by Rebecca Knight titled – HOW TO MAKE YOUR ONE-ON-ONES WITH EMPLOYEES MORE PRODUCTIVE in their workbooks.

two one to ones article 1

two one to ones article 2

  • Give them 5-minutes to read through the article.
  • Next direct each of them to another section in their workbooks titled – THREE PERSONAL ACTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE ONE-TO-ONES.

two one to ones article 3

  • Tell them to read the information there and complete the reflective activity.
  • Give them 5-minutes to do it.
  • After that, ask each of them to go into the chat window and share one of the actions they wrote down in their workbooks.
  • Allow up to 3-minutes for them to write down their actions and as they do, read through them quietly so you don’t distract them.
  • After 3-minutes, stop them and appreciate them for doing the activity. Then read out all the actions they wrote in the chat window, while at the same time appreciating each person that wrote the action.
  • After that, move on to review what was discussed during the session.
  • Tell them that:
    • During this session, we explored actions we can all take to make our one-to-one meetings more effective.
    • We compared two one-to-ones to see what went well and what can be done to make them much better.
    • Finally, you reflected on three actions you will take to improve your own one-to-one meetings and shared one of them.
  • After that, end the session.

This is the end of the session.

Five Things I have Learnt About Leadership

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We love to celebrate and, to an extent idolize those we consider to be leaders and exalt them to superstar status. And, yes, of course, leaders who achieve credible things should be celebrated but they are still mortals like the rest of us. If you are interested in leadership then here are five things you should be aware of.

  1. Leaders are not all-round effective. In fact, most of the time they are strong at one or two things. Winston Churchill was a great wartime leader but not very effective when there was no war to fight. There are business leaders who became political leaders (won’t mention names) and they were shambolic. There are even leaders who can build unicorn-valued companies but struggle to hold their families together. Summarily, just because a leader is great in one area doesn’t mean they don’t have weaknesses in other areas.
  2. Leadership is really about exerting influence in a specific domain. According to the late Dr. Myles Munroe, “everyone was created to lead but not over people but rather in a domain or specific area.” People really don’t follow leaders, they follow their vision and achievements. Leadership always requires you to have influence first before followers. So, it’s purpose before people. As in organisations, you can employ people but if you have no clear vision of where you are going, people will show up for their paycheck with no passion or commitment.
  3. If you want to stand out you will have strong opinions. You must have things you believe in strongly and you must be willing to talk about them. That’s why people pleasers can’t be effective leaders. They are too scared of saying things that offend others. This does not mean that leaders should intentionally go out of their way to upset people. Far from it. I personally believe that good leaders strive to respect others and preserve their dignity. Nevertheless, real leaders are not afraid to share their opinions and offend some people occasionally. Consequently, from time to time they may find their mugshot plastered across social media sites with very degrading comments attached. That comes with leadership territory.
  4. You cannot lead effectively if you can’t or are not willing to be vulnerable. Brené Brown in her brilliant book, ‘Dare To Lead’, calls it ‘leaning into vulnerability’. At its core leadership is about how we respond emotionally more than anything else. Leaders will need to do things that make them uncomfortable and vulnerable and there is nothing easy about that. This single reason is why most of us don’t want to lead in anything. The emotional pain of being vulnerable is far too risky so we will rather play it safe.
  5. Finally, being highly technically competent does not make you a leader. I remember working in a company where we had a large team of software developers. They had a manager who was highly skilled in software development but he had no clue about how to deal with people. He could not encourage, motivate or empower his team. Subsequently, he was sacked. He was probably hired for his knowledge but that was not enough to get the team going. He needed to lead and leadership does require you to get people on your side to achieve the goal. That was a bit too much for him. He just had to leave.

So, these are five personal lessons about leadership that I’ve learnt. What do you think about them? Or better still, what are your personal leadership lessons?

Situational Leadership II

The Situational Leadership II model implies there is no one style of leadership. People should be managed according to the situation. Managers should diagnose the development level of their team members in relation to their work tasks and projects, then manage them using the appropriate leadership style. This model was first developed by Paul Hersey (late) and Ken Blanchard and has been updated by Ken Blanchard to Situational Leadership II. Below are the development levels and appropriate leadership styles.

20 - Situational Leadership II

Exploring Management 2


Last week I introduced a course I’ve been working on titled, Exploring Management. You can read that post here. This course is for people interested in management who are not yet managers and can also be useful for first-time and new managers.

The course is split into two parts and I summarised the first part of the course in my previous post. In this post I will introduce the second part of the course.

Unlike the first part, this part focuses on leadership and it has the following learning objectives:

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • describe leadership,
  • distinguish between leadership and management,
  • identify and recognise different leadership styles,
  • use the information on leadership styles to reflect on their own leadership styles, and
  • create a personal development plan to continue their management development journey.

The course starts out looking at what leadership is and the participants explore leadership by first watching a video and then writing their own definitions for leadership using the chat window.

After that we share some definitions of leadership, discuss briefly why leadership is important to managers and then do an activity to discuss the differences between leadership and management.

The other half of the course focuses on exploring various leadership styles. First, we review the task they would have been given after the first session which is to complete a short leadership styles questionnaire to reflect on their own possible leadership styles. After that we discuss a number of leadership styles which are:

  • Transactional leadership
  • Transformational leadership
  • Six emotional leadership styles
  • Situational leadership

The course ends with the participants doing some personal development planning to continue their management development journey.

Below are free samples of the course and a link to where you can get the full course.

Sample from Exploring Management 2 – Facilitation Guide

Sample from Exploring Management 2 – Presentation

Sample from Exploring Management 2 – Workbook

To get the full course resources click on the link below:


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